
The Alert component in Electrik Slate UI is a versatile notification element that allows users to display important messages or alerts. It supports various features like dark mode, customizable sizes, icons, dismissible alerts, and full-width styles.


Prop Name Type Default Description
size String md The size of the alert (sm, md, lg).
dismissible Boolean false Whether the alert can be dismissed by the user.
icon String null An optional icon to display within the alert.
color String blue The color of the alert (primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, info, black, white).
outlined Boolean false Whether the alert should have an outlined style.
full-width Boolean false Whether the alert should span the full width of its container.


Basic Usage

The following example demonstrates a simple alert with a blue background and default size:

This is an default neutral alert.
This is an default outlined small dismissible alert.
This is an informational alert.
    This is an default neutral alert.
<x-slate::alert outlined class="mt-4" size="sm" dismissible>
    This is an default outlined small dismissible alert.
<x-slate::alert class="mt-4" color="blue">
    This is an informational alert.

Alert with Icon

This example shows how to use an icon within an alert:

Operation completed successfully.
<x-slate::alert color="success" icon="carbon-checkmark">
    Operation completed successfully.

Dismissible Alert

This example shows a dismissible alert that the user can close:

There was an error processing your request.
<x-slate::alert color="danger" dismissible>
    There was an error processing your request.

Outlined and Full-Width Alerts

You can create outlined and full-width alerts using the outlined and fullWidth props:

This is a warning alert with an outlined style.
This alert spans the full width of its container.
<x-slate::alert color="warning" outlined>
    This is a warning alert with an outlined style.
<x-slate::alert color="info" full-width class="mt-4">
    This alert spans the full width of its container.

Alerts with Black and White Modes

This example showcases alerts using explicit black and white modes, which adapt correctly to dark mode:

This is a black alert.
This is an outlined white alert.
<x-slate::alert color="black" size="lg" class="mb-4">
    This is a black alert.
<x-slate::alert color="white" size="lg" outlined>
    This is an outlined white alert.


The Alert component is highly customizable, allowing you to control its appearance and behavior to fit the needs of your application. Whether you need a simple informational alert, a dismissible error message, or a full-width warning, the Alert component can accommodate your design requirements.

Alert Sizes

You can control the size of the alert using the size prop:

  • sm (Small)
  • md (Medium, default)
  • lg (Large)


Small alert message.
Large alert message.
<x-slate::alert color="primary" size="sm" class="mb-4">
    Small alert message.
<x-slate::alert color="primary" size="lg">
    Large alert message.
time Last updated on 2024-08-24T05:26:56+00:00

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