The Checkbox
component in Electrik Slate UI is a versatile form control that allows users to select or deselect options. It supports various features like error messages, labels, help text, and disabled states.
Prop Name | Type | Default | Description |
name |
String | null |
The name attribute for the checkbox. |
value |
String | '' |
The value attribute for the checkbox. |
checked |
Boolean | false |
Whether the checkbox is checked by default. |
disabled |
Boolean | false |
Whether the checkbox is disabled. |
label |
String | null |
An optional label to display next to the checkbox. |
helpText |
String | null |
Additional help text to display below the label. |
error |
String | null |
An optional error message to display. If not provided, it will default to Laravel's validation errors. |
Basic Usage
The following example demonstrates a simple checkbox with a label:
<x-slate::checkbox name="subscribe" label="Subscribe to newsletter" />
Checkbox with Error Message
This example shows a checkbox with an error message, which is automatically displayed when there's a validation error:
You must accept the terms and conditions.
<x-slate::checkbox name="terms" label="Accept Terms and Conditions" error="You must accept the terms and conditions." />
Checkbox with Help Text
You can provide additional context to the user by including help text:
We'll send you the latest updates and promotions.
<x-slate::checkbox name="updates" label="Receive updates" helpText="We'll send you the latest updates and promotions." />
Disabled Checkbox
This example shows a checkbox that is disabled and cannot be interacted with:
<x-slate::checkbox name="subscribe" label="Subscribe to newsletter" disabled />
Checkbox with Dark Mode Support
This example demonstrates how the checkbox adapts to dark mode automatically:
<x-slate::checkbox name="darkMode" label="Enable dark mode" checked />
The Checkbox
component is designed to be flexible and easy to customize. You can control its appearance and behavior to fit the needs of your application, whether it's for a simple form or a more complex UI.
Handling Errors and Validation
The Checkbox
component integrates seamlessly with Laravel's validation system. If there is a validation error for the checkbox, the error message will be displayed automatically, allowing you to ensure that users provide the correct input.
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