
The Status component is a versatile indicator for various statuses across your application. It is customizable in terms of size, color, and style, making it adaptable to different UI needs.


Prop Type Default Description
size string md Defines the size of the status. Options: xs, sm, md, lg, xl.
color string green Sets the color of the status. Supports Tailwind colors and handles black and white explicitly.
outlined boolean false If true, renders the status with only a border and no fill.
label string null An optional label to be displayed next to the status.


Default Status

A basic Status with the default settings.

<x-slate::status color="green" />

Status with Label

Add a label next to the Status to provide context.

<x-slate::status color="red" size="lg" label="Offline" />

Outlined Status

Use the outlined prop to create a bordered Status without fill.

In Progress
<x-slate::status color="blue" outlined size="sm" label="In Progress" />

Status with Black Color

Explicit handling for black color, ensuring correct styling in light and dark modes.

<x-slate::status color="black" size="md" label="Busy" />

Status with White Color

Explicit handling for white color, ensuring correct styling in light and dark modes.

<x-slate::status color="white" size="md" label="Available" />

Statuss in Different Sizes and Styles

Showcase different sizes and styles of Statuss.

<x-slate::status color="green" size="xs" label="Small" />
<x-slate::status color="yellow" size="sm" label="Warning" />
<x-slate::status color="blue" size="md" label="Normal" />
<x-slate::status color="red" size="lg" label="Error" />
<x-slate::status color="black" size="xl" label="Critical" />
time Last updated on 2024-08-24T05:26:56+00:00

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