
The Input component in Electrik Slate UI is a versatile and customizable form element that supports various types, sizes, and styles. It comes with built-in support for dark mode, validation error messages, and additional elements like prefixes and suffixes.


Prop Name Type Default Description
type String text The type of the input field (e.g., text, email, password, etc.).
label String null The label text associated with the input field.
id String null The ID of the input field. If not provided, it defaults to the name.
name String null The name of the input field (required for form submissions).
value String '' The default value of the input field.
placeholder String '' The placeholder text for the input field.
required Boolean false Whether the input field is required.
readonly Boolean false Whether the input field is read-only.
disabled Boolean false Whether the input field is disabled.
helpText String null Additional help text displayed below the input field.
error String null Error message to be displayed below the input field.
size String md The size of the input field (sm, md, lg, xl).
before String null Content to be displayed as a prefix inside the input field (e.g., an icon or text).
after String null Content to be displayed as a suffix inside the input field (e.g., an icon or text).


Basic Input Usage

This example demonstrates a simple text input with a label:

<!-- Basic Input with Label -->
<x-slate::input name="email" label="Email Address" placeholder="Enter your email" />

Input with Error Message

This example demonstrates how to display an error message below the input field:

Please enter a valid email address.

<!-- Input with Error Message -->
    label="Email Address" 
    placeholder="Enter your email" 
    error="Please enter a valid email address." 

Input with Prefix and Suffix

This example demonstrates how to use a prefix and suffix with the input field:

@ .com
<!-- Input with Prefix and Suffix -->
    placeholder="Enter your username" 

Required Input

This example demonstrates how to make an input field required:

<!-- Required Input -->
    label="Email Address" 
    placeholder="Enter your email" 

Disabled Input

This example demonstrates how to disable an input field:

<!-- Disabled Input -->
    label="Email Address" 
    placeholder="Enter your email" 

Input with Custom Size

This example demonstrates how to use different sizes for the input field:

<!-- Input with Custom Size -->
<x-slate::input name="password" label="Password" type="password" size="lg" placeholder="Enter your password" />
<!-- Input with Custom Size -->
<x-slate::input name="password" label="Password" type="password" size="sm" placeholder="Enter your password" />

Input with Help Text

This example demonstrates how to display additional help text below the input field:

We'll never share your email with anyone else.

<!-- Input with Help Text -->
    label="Email Address" 
    placeholder="Enter your email" 
    helpText="We'll never share your email with anyone else." 


The Input component is highly customizable, allowing you to control its size, style, and behavior to fit the needs of your application. Whether you're creating a simple form or a complex UI, the Input component adapts to your requirements with ease.

time Last updated on 2024-08-24T05:26:56+00:00

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